8 tips for walking your way to better health

Don t skip the warmup.

Despite the fact that walking would not seem to be strenuous on your body, even a moderate pace would take some easing into. A minimum of five minutes should be spent warming up before you start.

Training is key.

Because walking seldom causes sweating, many assume, "It's only a few miles." No training required! Just like any sport, walking requires bodily preparation. Especially for lengthy hikes, multi-day events, or uphill terrain.

It s all in the arms.

Good arm swings should be forward and back, not side-to-side. Cross-body or lateral arm swings lack momentum, so keep your elbows in!

Wear the right shoes.

Walkers may benefit from how specialist sports shoe retailers assess runners' gaits to find the ideal shoe for them. A correct shoe fit helps support and balance your ankles.

Let your toes in on the fun.

The intrinsic muscles in your feet are used as you walk, and strengthening them may help with balance and ankle stability.

Bring some weights along.

Add a few pounds to your ankles and wrists or hold tiny weights while pumping your arms to strengthen your walking. Remember to balance the weight on both sides and not overdo it.

Change it up.

People stagnate in fitness because their everyday workouts lose efficacy over time. Change your pace or distance every few weeks to avoid monotony.

Don t slouch those shoulders.

Bad walking posture may trigger sciatic nerve discomfort, so keep your shoulders back and head up. It also strengthens the core.