7 Healing Plants You Should Have in Your Home, According to Experts

Low-maintenance indoor plants that thrive in indirect light and help purify the air by removing VOCs like formaldehyde and carbon monoxide.

Philodendron Plant

 ZZ plants require minimal care with about six hours of indirect light and watering every two to three weeks; they are toxic if ingested by pets or children.

 ZZ Plant

Recognizable by their large, heart-shaped leaves, these tropical plants need bright light and regular watering; they have medicinal uses but require ample space.

Elephant Ear Plants

Easy-to-grow plants that help purify the air by reducing pollutants like formaldehyde; they produce small plantlets that resemble spiders.

Spider Plant

Also called "mother-in-law s tongues," these decorative plants thrive in neglect, requiring minimal watering and growing in any light

Snake Plants

Drought-resistant plants that require little care and can purify the air; some varieties like aloe vera have medicinal properties.

Succulents and Cacti

Flowering plants with air-cleaning properties that thrive in low light; they should be kept away from pets and children due to toxicity.

 Peace Lily